Tue, 10/03/2017 - 8:16pm Nicola Wilson

Author Biographies and Publisher Descriptions 

We are seeking submissions for biographical entries for the authors, artists and workers of The Hogarth Press, and for MAPP's publishing house descriptions pages.  MAPP is the first modernist DH project to focus exclusively on twentieth-century publishing houses.  It offers a pioneering digital platform to organize, interact with, and analyze book production, reception, and distribution networks and will represent a replicable digital model for contemporary and future scholars of modernist publishing and book culture.

We are also open to student work and to pedagogical uses of MAPP. Please contact our team to discuss possible pedagogical collaborations and student writing: http://www.modernistarchives.com/contact

Submission Guidelines

Before submitting, please use the Google form below to send a brief query with your proposed biographical subject or publisher.

Biographies should be approximately 1,000 words and should be accompanied by a works cited and a bibliography.  Where possible please include links to the Modernist Journals Project, Orlando or other digital resources. Example entry:http://www.modernistarchives.com/person/ruth-manning-sanders

Press descriptions should be approximately 1,000 words and should be accompanied by a works cited and a bibliography.  Please see the MAPP site for examples:http://www.modernistarchives.com/business/the-hogarth-press or Lise Jaillant on Grant Richards at http://www.modernistarchives.com/business/grant-richards.  Any twentieth-century press will be considered for inclusion.  Foreign language and geographically dispersed presses encouraged.

Submissions will be subject to double peer review and will be credited.

Please send short proposals and queries using the following form:https://goo.gl/forms/1K33gDnxW8jHTNym1