[[MS 2750/72/13]]
[pre-printed letter head] PEARN, POLLINGER & HIGHAM, Ltd. Authors’ Agents. 39-40, BEDFORD STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C.2. DIRECTORS: David Higham. Laurence Pollinger.Nancy R. Pearn. SECRETARY: L. Snow.
Ian Parsons Esq.,
The Hogarth Press,
40/42 William IV Street,
2nd March, 1948.
Dear Ian,
I enclose copy of the wrapper of STAVROGIN’S CONFESSION which has been sent to us for offer here. I thought I should query you since it looks as though the translation originated in this country and two at least of the three authors mentioned are Hogarth authors. I will await your comments before offering the book, for which we have had several enquiries.
Yours | David [signature]
ENC[losure]: WRAPPER.
[pre-printed terms and conditions]
1. David Higham