[[MS 2750/7/10]]
[Attached Postal Certificate]
Regn. No. [*1829 *] Certificate of Posting of a Registered Postal Packet
A Postal Packet addressed as under, upon which a Fee of Three Pence has been paid, in addition to the Postage {of a. d. | for Parcels only} has been registered and posted here this day: -
[* R + R Clark ltd Brandon St Edinburgh 8 *]
Accepting Officer's Signature (or initials) [unidentified signature]
Date Stamp [Recieved Stamp] RECEIVED 22 [illegible] 24 P.T.O.
Monk's House,
near Lewes
R & R Clark Ltd
Brandon Street
22 August, 1924
Dear Sirs,
I have received a completely revised MS [manuscript] of this book together with the Preface which turns out to be longer than I had been led to expect. I enclose these. Will you go entirely by this revised copy and return to me the original unrevised copy which I sent you?
I should be greatly obliged if you would let me have a revised estimate on the new copy keeping in every respect to the same details except allowing 32 instead of 30 lines 10 pt. to the page. Could you at the same time make me out an estimate for printing in 11 pt, the margins of page and style being kept in other respects the same?
As regards the paper the 64 lbs. Quad Cap. will do very well.
As regards paper binding, I return sample book. I should like the book bound in the blue marble cloth Colour No. 752. The label should be in a light blue, and title printed in Italics in dark blue on it with a border made of thin rules. Could you, when I have finally decided upon the type to be used,l let me see a dummy copy bound and labelled, before finally deciding upon the binding?
The jacket should be light blue with title, &c printed in dark blue on side and back, with border, similar to the style of jacket for THE RECTOR'S DAUGHTER.
I enclose copy of title page. Please note that the whole of the title from "THE LIFE" to "Prince Mirsky" should run on and make one block printed in Cheltenham Caps, and lower case. THE LIFE OF THE ARCHPRIEST AVVAKUM BY HIMSELF should be printed in red, the rest in black.
Yours faithfully | [signature] Leonard Woolf