[[MS 2750/572/54]]
[pre-printed letterhead] THE BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION Broadcasting House, London, W. 1
Reference: 03/CT/DLR
The Hogarth Press, Ltd.,
37 Mecklenburgh Square,
7th August 1946
Dear Sirs,
In our Northern Ireland programme on the 20th August we are hoping to broadcast 660 words from Virginia Woolf's book "TO THE LIGHTHOUSE".
I should be glad to have your agreement to the use of this material and would suggest payment in accordance with the minimum terms agreement with the Corporation, the Society of Authors and the Publishers' Association. This will amount to three guineas with an additional fee of two guineas if the programme is used in the Overseas Service.
If these terms are acceptable to you, perhaps you would kindly sign and return the original copy of the agreement from enclosed in duplicate.
Yours faithfully, | Dorothy Ross, [signature] | D.L.Ross | Copyright Department
[*Agreement returned 9/8/[19]46.*]