Letter from The Garden City Press to The Hogarth Press (12/01/1931)

  • Image of typescript letter from The Garden City Press to The Hogarth Press (12/01/1931) page 1 of 3
  • Image of typescript letter from The Garden City Press to The Hogarth Press (12/01/1931) page 2 of 3
  • Image of typescript letter from The Garden City Press to The Hogarth Press (12/01/1931) page 3 of 3



[[MS 2750/62/10]]




[Logo of the National Scheme for Disabled Men]


Estimate No. 
Please state number when ordering. 
LS/ALG.  Ho/13687. 
Terms:  Monthly 5% 
Additional Figures.


Messrs. The Hogarth Press, 
52, Tavistock Square, 
LONDON         W.C.1.


Jan. 12th, 1931.


We have pleasure in submitting the following specification and price for your approval. Your further instructions will receive our immediate attention.


For the attention of Leonard Woolf, Esq.



BINDING:        “Life as we have known it” (Davies), size Crown 8vo., 176 pages, sewn in 16’s on two tapes, 8 plates pasted in, white ends, cut edges, rounded and backed. Bound in Winterbottom’s ‘X’ Quality Grained Cloth, 16 oz. boards, blocked in ink on spine and side. Jacketted


500 copies                                                      @ 5.1/4d. Per Copy. [this is covered by a tick]


Brasses extra.


If an order is placed for binding 500 in Cloth and 500 in paper, both to be bound at the same time, a reduction of 1/8d. per copy will be made upon the Cloth copies and 10/- on 500 Paper copies.



Subject to the conditions as over.





STANDARD CONDITIONS [11 conditions for printing estimates are listed]







BINDING:        “Life as we have known it” (Davies), size Crown 8vo., 176 pages, sewn in 16’s, no tapes, 8 plates pasted in, wrappered in Duplex cover paper, glued at the back only, cut flush. Cover printed on front and spine in black ink


500 copies                                                      @ £5.17. 6. [this is covered by a tick]


Our Mr. Spence will submit a sample of the Cover paper we would propose to supply.


If end-papered and cover is pasted down to ends:-


Extra cost Per 500 copies                   @ £-.17. 6. [this is covered by a tick]


BOOK JACKET:         Book Jacket “Life as we have known it” (Davies):-


Extra cost of printing on both flaps in similar style to “A Woman of India”

@ £-. 8. 6. [this is covered by a tick]


Yours faithfully, | THE GARDEN CITY PRESS LTD. [handwritten signature]

Rights Statement:

Reproduced with permission from the copyright holder, courtesy of Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press collection at the University of Reading Special Collections. This item has not been made available with a CC BY-NC-ND licence

Source: MS 2750/62/10

Image Rights Holder: © CPI Print UK

Letter from The Garden City Press to The Hogarth Press (12/01/1931)


University of Reading, Special Collections

Offers additional figures—binding (cloth and paper) and jacketing—for 500 special edition copies of Life as We Have Known It (for Women's Co-operative Guild). Typescript letter signed [unidentified signature]