Letter from Hogarth Press to Hope Mirrlees (14/4/1944)



[[MS 2750/7/34]]


601,Carrington House,Hertford Street,W.1.


Miss Hope Mirrlees, 
32, Beauchamp Place, 




Dear Miss Mirrlees,


We have had a letter from Messrs Sheed and Ward of New York, asking whether they may be allowed to incorporate The Life of the Archpriest Avvakum in an anthology of what they call ‘Russian spirituality’ to be prepared by a group of Russian Christians in New York. Leonard Woolf is prepared to allow this, provided that they pay a fee of 75 dollars, but we would like to have your approval before we proceed with the offer.


Yours sincerely,

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Reproduced with permission from Penguin Random House Archive and Library UK, this item has not been made available with a CC BY-NC-ND licence.

Source: MS 2750/7/34

Letter from Hogarth Press to Hope Mirrlees (14/4/1944)


University of Reading, Special Collections

Letter to Mirrlees regarding Sheed and Ward's request to reprint Avvakum.

Typescript letter unsigned