Letter from John Lehmann to Moura Budberg (31/05/1944)



[[MS 2750/483/4]]


601, Carrington House, Hertford Street, W.1.


Baroness Budberg, 
68, Ennismore Gardens, S.W.7.




Dear Baroness Budberg*1,


I am so sorry to have been rather long in letting you know about the fee for the extract from Tchekhoff[sic] Notebooks. We suggest 15 guineas for the 10,000 words, and hope that the Penguin people will agree.


Yours sincerely,



* Endnote


1. Moura Budberg

Rights Statement:

Reproduced with permission from Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press archive collection, held by the University of Reading Special Collections

Source: MS 2750/483/4

Letter from John Lehmann to Moura Budberg (31/05/1944)


University of Reading, Special Collections

Lehmann apologises for the delay and informs that Hogarth suggests a fee of 15 guineas for the 10,000 words of extracts from Tchekhov's Notebooks that she has requested.

Typescript letter unsigned