Letter from Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd, to The Hogarth Press (24/07/1941)




[[MS 2750/572/38]]




[pre-printed letterhead] lund humphries  Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd . The County Press Bradford  Printers Publishers Binders  London Office: 12 Bedford Square, w.c.1


The Hogarth Press 
Pixmore Avenue 


Bradford 24th July 1941


Dear Sirs,




We acknowledge, with thanks, your letter of the 23rd inst., regarding the above book. Unfortunately we are unable to submit a revised quotation for an offset reprint of 1,000 copies (including paper) without sight of the original copy, which was apparently returned to you with our letter of July 9th.


[*I have sent them a copy BH*1. 28/7/[19]41*]


At the same time, we would welcome further information regarding the second proposition for the reprinting of a 'novel of ordinary length', as we should require to know the size and approximate number of pages before we could state definitely whether we have sufficient paper available in quad crown size. However, on receipt of the above details we shall be pleased to advise you accordingly and await the favour of an immediate reply.


With compliments, | Yours faithfully | PERCY LUND HUMPHRIES & CO. LTD. | AH [signature]


[handwritten draft letter with a cross through it] [*W[oul]d like to make our order 1500[.] We [are] afraid we cannot let [them] have details [1 word illeg.] about the other novel and MS. delayed in[?] coming to our hands





[handwritten draft of the letter written to Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd. on 2nd February 1941(MS 2750/572/40)]


[*Dear Sirs*]


[*Thank you for your letter 31st July encl.[?]*]


[*We w[oul]d be grateful if you w[oul]d let us know as soon as poss[ible] what the diff[erence] in price and be of[?] order 1500*]


[*With regard the other propo[sition], we regret we cannot give you more precise inform[ation] at moment as MS[manuscript] delayed in coming to our hands. We will communicate with you again as soon as poss[ible].*]



* Endnote


  1. Barbara Hepworth

Rights Statement:

Reproduced with permission from the copyright holder Lund Humphries, courtesy of Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press collection at the University of Reading Special Collections.

This item has not been made available with a CC BY-NC-ND licence.

Source: MS 2750/572/38

Image Rights Holder: © Lund Humphries

Letter from Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd, to The Hogarth Press (24/07/1941)


University of Reading, Special Collections

Percy Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd request more information on the size and approximate number of pages for the reprint of To the Lighthouse to gauge the type and amount of paper to supply. Includes a written draft letter of reply on the back.

Typescript letter signed by A.H includes a handwritten draft letter