Found 559 items
Title Author Genre
The Other Side of the Medal Edward Thompson Autobiography
The Passing of Guto and Other Poems Huw Owen Williams Poetry
The Peacemakers Alice Ritchie Novel
The People of Ararat Joseph Burtt Travel Writing
The Poet's Eye Vernon Lee Literary Criticism
The Political and Social Doctrine of Communism R. Palme Dutt Politics
The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism Benito Mussolini Politics
The Price of Liberty A German on Contemporary Britain Adolf Löwe Politics
The problems of Lieutenant Knap Jiri Mucha Short Fiction
The Prospects of Literature Logan Pearsall Smith Literary Criticism
The Psycho-Analysis of Children Melanie Klein Psychoanalysis
The Psychology of Clothes J. C. Flugel History
The Question Mark Muriel Jaeger Novel
The Question of the House of Lords (day to day pamphlets no 19) A. L. Rowse Politics
The Race Problem in Africa Charles Roden Buxton Politics
The Rector's Daughter F. M. Mayor Novel
The Refugees Libby Benedict Novel
The Reign of Law A Short and Simple Introduction to the Work of the Permanent Court of International Justice Kathleen Innes Politics
The Revival of Aesthetics Hubert Waley Art and Art Criticism
The Riddle of the Sphinx or Human Origins Geza Roheim Psychoanalysis
