Letter from Duncan Grant to Leonard Woolf (1923) [1]

  • Letter from Duncan Grant to Leonard Woolf (1923) [1]  page 1 of 1





[[MS 2750/133/23]]








Dear Leonard


Thank you for the proofs - I think they are all right & some very good. do you want them back?


I had a letter from Joad today saying that it might be better to substitute some other picture for 'Miss Rowe'. I am almost sure the picture is in London & if so it would not take long to have it photographed if Turner undertook to get permission & have it taken by Newberry. I am rather anxious it should be included as it is one of the very few portraits in the book.


If however you Think this will take too long let me know and I will try & Think of something else about that time.


y[ou]rs | d. Grant [signature]

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Reproduced with permission from the copyright holder, courtesy of Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press collection at the University of Reading Special Collections.

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Source: MS 2750/133/23

Image Rights Holder: © Estate of Duncan Grant. All rights reserved, DACS 2023

Letter from Duncan Grant to Leonard Woolf (1923) [1]



University of Reading, Special Collections

Archival Folder:

Duncan Grant thanks Leonard Woolf for the proofs and remarks on the quality. He mentions substituting photographs and wanting his work 'Miss Rowe' to be included, as it is one of the very few portraits included in the book.


Handwritten letter signed by Grant