Letter from Leonard Woolf to Norman Leys (06/01/1925)

  • image of typescript letter from Leonard Woolf to Norman Leys (06/01/1925) page 1 of 1



[[MS 2750/255/47]]


6 January, 1925


Dear Leys,


I sent your letter on to the N[ew].S[tatesman]. I had written one myself and had already posted it when I got yours.


I enclose an estimate of what the expenses on KENYA have been up to date. We have sold 362 copies. My own feeling is that we should do well to spend about £10 or £15 on advertising towards the end of this month and another £10 on circularizing. I should circularize the House of Commons and the libraries. This would bring your total expenditure to round about £300, excluding our commission. If you sell 400 copies on this calculation, your loss will be £130; if 500, about £90; if 600, about £55; if 700, about £20; if 800, you will make about £20 to £25 profit. These figures do not include the 50 copies which were sent to you. Will you let me know what you think about the proposed expenditure on advertizing &c.


Yours | Leonard Woolf [signature]

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Source: MS 2750/255/47

Letter from Leonard Woolf to Norman Leys (06/01/1925)



University of Reading, Special Collections

Archival Folder:

Leonard Woolf sends an expenses, profit and loss estimate, and informs Leys how many copies have been sold. He advises how much to spend on advertising.