Letter from The Garden City Press Ltd to The Hogarth Press with note and sample paper (29/08/1930)

  • Image of typescript letter from The Garden City Press Ltd to The Hogarth Press (29/08/1930) page 1 of 2
  • Image of typescript letter from The Garden City Press Ltd to The Hogarth Press (29/08/1930) page 2 of 2
  • Image of note attached to the  letter from The Garden City Press Ltd to The Hogarth Press (29/08/1930)  page 1 of 1
  • Image of paper sample attached to the letter from The Garden City Press Ltd to The Hogarth Press (29/08/1930) page 1 of 1

[[MS 2750/96/8]]



Estimate NO. Please state number when ordering. LS/HT. Ho/131100 Revised.

Terms:- 5% 30 Days. [stamp logo NATIONAL SCHEME FOR DISABLED MEN]


29th August,  1930.



The Hogath Press, 
52 Tavistock Square, 
London     W.C.L.


We have pleasure in submitting the following specification and price for your approval. Your further instructions will receive our immediate attention.

Book Jacket “Drifting Men” size approximately 17.7/8 x 6.1/2, printed in one colour from line block on spine and front size only on buff tinted imitation art paper, as sample herewith including cost of preparing new sketch, and making a one colour line block, size 7.1/2 x 6.1/2 approximately.

500 copies                  £4.5.0.

1000 copies                 £5.0.0. [*ü*]


Yours faithfully | The Garden City Press LTD| L. S [Signature]


Subject to the conditions on over.



[Page contains a list of printer's terms and conditions]




[handwritten cover note]


I dont understand this as I thought the man said two process blocks & a tinted paper




[paper sample attached to the letter with a Garden City Press stamp in the bottom left corner]







Rights Statement:

Reproduced with permission from the copyright holder, courtesy of Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press collection at the University of Reading Special Collections.

This item has not been made available with a CC BY-NC-ND licence

Source: MS 2750/96/8

Image Rights Holder: © CPI Print UK

Letter from The Garden City Press Ltd to The Hogarth Press with note and sample paper (29/08/1930)


University of Reading, Special Collections

Archival Folder:

Provides jacket estimate for Drifting Men. An attached note expresses confusion regarding specifications. A sample paper is also attached.

Typescript letter initialled by L.S [unidentified individual] with a handwritten note [author of note unidentified]