Letter from John Lehmann to R. & R. Clark (01/12/1931)

  • Image of typescript letter from John Lehmann to R. & R. Clark (01/12/1931) page 1 of 1



[[MS 2750/152/10]]


Messrs.R.& R.Clark, 






Dear Sirs,


We thank you for your estimate for the above, which we accept for composition in style 33 lines to page thin lead to make 408 pp. inc.  We will let you know the number of copies to be machined later.  Will you please let us have six sets of proofs, one to be bound in paper covers as with THE MEMORIAL. Will you please let us know when we may expect completed proofs.


Yours faithfully | The Hogarth Press. | John F Lehmann [signature] | Manager.

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Reproduced with permission from Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press archive collection, held by the University of Reading Special Collections.

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Source: MS 2750/152/10

Letter from John Lehmann to R. & R. Clark (01/12/1931)


University of Reading, Special Collections

Archival Folder:

John Lehmann acknowledges estimates for O Providence printing and requests six sets of proofs.

Typescript letter signed by Lehmann