Letter from William Plomer to Leonard Woolf (28/02/1925)




[[MS 2750/351/4]]


[*Answered for Cassis that I will let him have definite decision after Easter LSW*1 [signature] 3/4 25*]


S. Africa


Leonard Woolf Esq


28 Feb[ruar]y [19]25


Dear Sir,


Your interest in the book fills me with great joy.


I have read carefully through my own copy of the MS [manuscript]. and I do not think that I can honestly allow that the novel is autobiographical, nor can I admit that any character in the book is actually identifiable with any person now living. My arrangements of time, place, and the relations between the various characters are quite arbitrary. 'Turbott Wolfe', whatever it may owe to life, is a work of the imagination.


I am particularly sorry that Mrs Woolf*2 has been ill, and I hope she is quite well again by now.


I await with eagerness another





2 [circled]


letter from you.


Yours sincerely | William Plomer [signature]



* Endnotes


1. Leonard Woolf 
2. Virginia Woolf

Source: MS 2750/351/4

Image Rights Holder: Estate of William Plomer

Letter from William Plomer to Leonard Woolf (28/02/1925)



University of Reading, Special Collections

Archival Folder:

Plomer is happy to hear that Woolf is interested in his novel and confirms that the work is not autobiographical but a work of his imagination. He offers wishes to Virginia to feel well again and anticipates Woolf's next letter.

Handwritten letter signed by Plomer