Frontage of the HRC
During the month of June, as Mapp's project archivist I was given the unique opportunity to visit and work with staff at the Harry Ransom Centre (HRC) in Texas, this is quite a rare experience for an archivist; we often work behind the scenes, travelling about in time, rather than locations! We at MAPP are a collaborative team and it's very important for us to share and exchange knowledge between...
MAPP team presenting at the HRC
In case you missed it, check out the blog post about the first day of MAPP at the HRC. Day 2 featured the Feminist Infrastructures: Women in Transatlantic Publishing 1900-1950 conference. We began with a warm welcome from HRC director Stephen Enniss, followed by a MAPP-led roundtable. The roundtable featured a brief discussion of our new site and UX re-design and an overview of MAPP biographies,...
Last week, the MAPP team and our library partners arrived in balmy Austin, Texas for an in-person workshop followed by the Feminist Infrastructures: Women in Transatlantic Publishing 1900-1950 conference. The workshop allowed the MAPP team to meet with our library partners in person after having communicated primarily by email and Zoom over the past several years. It gave us the opportunity to...
We hope you like our redesigned website! Over the last year we worked with Garima Batra and Srishti Sheshadri - two amazing designers at the University of Toronto’s Information School - plus our tech lead, Erica Cavanaugh (University of Virginia), to re-evaluate the design and user experience of the MAPP website. Garima and Srishti conducted user research sessions (with some ‘power users’...
Unsigned business letter from Margery Thomson Joad
We are delighted to share the programme for Tuesday June 7th's workshop at the Harry Ransom Center. To register to attend (in person) for free please sign up here:   Talks will be recorded and made available afterwards.   Room: Prothro Theatre (1st floor), Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin   9.45...
Unsigned letter from Marjory Thomson Joad
Tuesday 7th June 2022. MAPP Library Partners workshop at the Harry Ransom Centre, University of Texas at Austin.    ‘I regret that all the trouble I have taken in this work for the Hogarth Press has not been compensated by an equal amount of satisfaction’ (Clara Walker, née Woolf, to her brother Leonard, 9 August 1923)   ‘Citation is how we acknowledge our debt to those who came before; those who...
University of Leiden logo
by Annika Heijna One of the worst feelings as a student is when you realize that no one apart from your professor is ever going to read that meticulously researched, spend-hours-making-the-bibliography-just-right paper you’re so proud of. All those hours of work we are putting into our assignments are basically lost once it is determined that the quality is sufficient for a passing grade – the...
poster of transatlantic modernist publishing
The Modernist Archives Publishing Project presents Transatlantic Modernist Publishing Thursday, July 8th - 8AM PT; 11AM ET; 4PM BST Speakers include: Elisha Bolchi (Università degli Studi di Ferrara) on Virginia Woolf and Mondadori Editore Amy Clements (St. Edward's University) on Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Michele Troy (Hartford University) on The Albatross Press Case-studies followed by Q&A...
As we look to expand the transatlantic dimensions of the MAPP database over the next three years with new materials from American publishing archives, I’ve been assessing the evidence we have currently in the database regarding the Woolfs’ correspondence with American publishing houses.    The Hogarth Press worked with various publishers to produce American editions of Hogarth Press texts. The...
Upon opening the new folder of images to which I am adding metadata for MAPP, I am greeted by the first image, a profit and loss statement typical of the Hogarth Press. It looks similar to the other profit and loss statements I’ve encountered from the publishing house, comparing the projected printing, distribution, and advertising costs to estimated book sales, an indication of Leonard Woolf’s...